Monday, September 7, 2009

The Ultimate In Office Comfort - Mesh Office Chairs

Having worked in an office for many years, I have had just about every type of office chair that has been made. The best ones I have ever found are mesh office chairs.

Mesh office chairs allow air to circulate all around your body. It is almost like you are sitting on a cloud of air. I find this very important in the summer.

My office is located near the copy room. I have learned something very important about office copiers. They put out heat. In fact, if you place your hand next to the air exhaust, it feels like you have placed it in front of a portable electric heater. In the winter this made my office warm and toasty. In the summer, my office is warmer and toastier. As a matter of fact, it could burn the toast in there some days.

In any other office chair, I spend the summer sweating, in my mesh office chair I turn on a tower fan to oscillate and am comfortable all day long. The advantage of the mesh material is that the fan can blow right through and cool my back. Any perspiration that does form is able to do its job of cooling my body, so that even though the air conditioning may not be working all that well, I am still comfortable for the day.

I think that the mesh office chairs have helped me to be more productive on those warm days. I no longer have to get up out of my office and wander to a cooler place for a few minutes.

I also love the feel and support of the mesh. The mesh seat has just the right amount of give to be comfortable all day long. The mesh back is similar. The chair back frame is bent so that I have the necessary lumbar support to feel great even after a day spent on the computer.

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